ASA is a leading engineering company in the area of exhaust gas aftertreatment. In that context, ASA offers its customers first class Research & Development and Testing & Validation Services for clean air solutions. ASA and VERT® collaboration was started by Tehran buses retrofit and now ASA is official office of VERT in Iran.

The VERT® Association (Verification of Emission Reduction Technologies) was founded (also known as AKPF “Arbeitskreis der Partikelfilterhersteller – Working group of DPF manufacturers”) in Switzerland in 1993. Since then, VERT® has developed some of the most important particle filter testing procedures, supported various international partners with retrofit programs and retrofit consulting and established a worldwide network of manufacturers of components, systems, engines, vehicles and measurement devices as well as environmental, medical and technical research facilities specialized in the field of “air quality”. VERT and ASA collaboration officially started at 2016. This collaboration leads to implementation of first retrofit project of public buses in Iran at Tehran. VERT is the competent preferred partner of public authorities, municipalities, megacities and institutions of European and international legislature in the realization of concrete solutions for air quality improvement. As such VERT® has significant influence on the introduction and use of BAT for the reduction of emissions.

As a result of excellent networking with international scientists and legislators, VERT is able to provide its member companies with relevant information and data, enabling them to evaluate business implications and opportunities at an early stage. At the same time, the international network of VERT®, workshops and conferences always keep our members up-to-date on the latest findings and developments in the fields of environment, medicine and technology.

Implementation of various retrofit and firstfit projects in different cities such as Berlin, Tehran, China, Italy, Netherland, Munich, Bogota and London is only a small part of VERT achievement and influential role in emission reduction programs in the world. We offer dif­fe­rent par­ti­cu­late fil­ters for retro­fit­ting vehi­cles as well as con­struc­tion machi­nes and sta­tio­nary faci­li­ties with consideration to fit the indi­vi­dual needs. This enab­les us to offer the best solu­tion for each spe­ci­fic app­li­ca­tion. Our sys­tems are tes­ted and cer­ti­fied accor­ding to the most strin­gent requi­re­ments. These cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons enable us to retro­fit almost any vehicle or machine wit­hout problem.


Air Pollution: World’s Worst Environmental Health Risk


There is an urgent need to reduce levels of air pollution globally. Although air quality measures have had positive results at some locations in the world, millions of people in both developing and developed countries die prematurely every year because of long-term exposure to air pollutants. The health of many more is seriously affected.



The future of the combustion engines hinges largely on efficient techniques for reducing emissions. These are challenges that the catalytic converter cannot perform all by itself. For more than two decades VERT has been involved in the development and testing of various filter emission reduction concepts: As a result of continuous evaluation and research on various filter concepts, today, VERT’s DPF solutions are at a very advanced level. The robust con­struc­tion and opti­mum rege­ne­ra­tion capa­city of our par­ti­cu­late fil­ters make them ideal for instal­la­tion. Our par­ti­cu­late fil­ter sys­tems, pro­vi­ding opti­mum ope­ra­ting times, long inter­vals bet­ween main­ten­ance and low main­ten­ance costs.

The systems are effectively designed to trap soot, or particulate matter, from diesel or gasoline exhaust emissions in a variety of light-duty and heavy-duty applications. VERT’s broad portfolio of heavy-duty diesel particulate filters can help meet even the most challenging emissions standards. The ver­sa­ti­lity of our par­ti­cu­late fil­ters enable their app­li­ca­tion for almost any vehi­cle. By using a modu­lar arran­ge­ment of par­ti­cu­late fil­ter units, we supply the pro­per sys­tem for any engine size, which can be com­pactly arran­ged to fit into a cons­trai­ned space. The proven solutions, VERT’s filters have been used in millions of vehicles.

Our engi­neers offer the expe­ri­ence we have gai­ned from many dif­fe­rent projects.

We would be plea­sed to advise you for spe­ci­fic app­li­ca­tion ques­ti­ons.